A Eulogy of Tony Martin

Created by Hildrene 10 years ago
10 May 2014 :- This will be read by the Reverend Margaret Deans of Wood Dalling at Dads funeral on May 16, 3pm. Tony was born on 18th September 1931, the eldest of 4 children.His home was in Easton in Suffolk, he attended Wickham Market school, until he won a scholarship to Leiston grammer school. He left school at 16 and joined the Royal navy as a Telegraphist, communicating in morse code.He was posted to Cape town for 3yrs. During this time he met and married Hilde in 1952, then he was posted back to the Uk. They had 2 daughters Vanessa and Hildrene`.Tony left the Navy after 7yrs and worked at Cranes in Ipswich as ‘Buyer’. Initially he would make the 40 mile round trip on his bike ,rain or shine, how many people would do that nowadays.Tony also was a member of the Easton Cricket club for many years and it was quite a family affair, various members of his family also played, Hilde used to do the scoring and Tony’s mum helped with the all important teas after the match. When Tony retired he worked part time as cook in a Nursing home, this he enjoyed and the staff and residents loved his cooking and looked forward to his Sunday roasts !IN 1999 Tony and Hilde left Suffolk and moved To Wood Dalling in North Norfolk, where they lived for the next 15yrs, Due to Tonys ill health they moved to Scole to be near their daughters.During their time in Wood Dalling they made many friends and immersed themselves into village life.Tony produced, edited the village Millenium Book, which he felt honored to do. He served on the village committee, he edited produced the Town and country magazine and Wood Dalling news letters, he. was always looking for interesting things to print.Tony also belonged to the Radio club and met other Telegraphists. He took part in village fetes and cricket matches ,and various other things.One job he really did enjoy was that of a conductor on the ‘Away day’ bus, Meeting all the holiday makers, a happy job he called it. Hilde said Tony was always ready to help anyone and give them advice. Tony had a great many interests. He was a very good gardener, grew all his own vegetables, loved public reading and poetry. He loved cooking, walking and photography. If you stood still for too long you’d be ‘snapped’. His camera went with him everywhere.Tony was a great cook, his specialities when we had family gatherings were, home made bread and Barbados biscuits, which his granddaughter has renamed granddads biscuits.They will still be made at future family gatherings.Tony loved his family and was extremely proud of all his grandchildren, Gavin, Matthew, Philip, Spencer, Katie and Claire. He loved being with his 6 great grandchildren, Joseph, Amara, Ella, Daisy, Theia and Polly. Tony and Hilda were married for 62yrs, and Hilde said every night he would always tell her he loved her.One grandson with great fondness always remembers the childhood holidays spent with granddad and Nanna. Another grandson always remembers granddad saying to him before he went to bed, ‘sleep tight, don’t let the bed bugs bite’. Memories from the grandchildren:-They remember their childhood holidays with Nanna and granddad with great fondness as they had such fun.Granddad used to say as he tucked them up in bed “night night don’t let the bed bugs bite”Granddad had more technology than all his grandchildren put together, computers, ipods, iphone, cameras.Granddad used to make a whistling noise as much as it was annoying it also meant he was happy.He always had childhood stories to tell. Granddad always had a smile, was a fountain of knowledge, he could always offer advice whatever the situation.Always told them if they were going for and interview or important meeting to always wear a tie, clean shoes and have firm hand shake , that advice is still carried out to this day.Granddad taught us so much, which we will always remember and cherish. He will always remain a huge influence in our lives, we will miss him so much.